


EDEN is part of the project of Slow Food Travel that involves many realities in our mountain areas, mainly in Alta Val Tanaro.

Behind each territory there are stories, gastronomic traditions, flavors and artisan practices, preserved by women and men who have built identities and cultures over the centuries. Every gastronomic tradition can become a unique tourist experience. Slow Food Travel proposes a new travel model, made up of meetings and exchanges and it is part of this beautiful and enriching initiative that EDEN offers to those who want it of experiential activities related to the world of beekeeping.

Title: Beekeeper for a day

Duration: 2,5 hours

Availability in time: from March to September – Saturday / Sunday

What we will do: the reception will be made at the visitor center of the Sorgenti of Belbo nature Reserve. In the small conference room, the tourist will be introduced to the world of bees with a frontal explanation and the use of multimedia support.

  • Option A: afterwards, the visitor will be able to observe, through a didactic showcase, a nest frame. He will be able to identify, with the help of the beekeeper, the various “inhabitants” of the beehive, the brood and the stocks. The tourist will discover so many curious and fascinating news! We will continue with a short walk to the honey extraction and packaging laboratory, where the various productive moments will be illustrated. It will be possible to see, in concrete terms, how the honey passes from the frames to the jar. We will continue with a guided tour of the small botanical path located near the reception point. The experience will end with a tasting of the beehive products at the company sales point.
  • Option B (will be proposed when production needs will not be possible to access the honey extraction laboratory): the visitor can then immerse himself in the surrounding countryside and reach, through a short guided walk, an apiary located in the area of ​​the Sorgenti of Belbo nature Reserve. After wearing an appropriate protective equipment, you can approach the bees. The beekeeper will open a hive and will conduct a guided inspection, where the tourist will identify the various “inhabitants” of the beehive, the brood and the stocks. The tourist will discover so many curious and fascinating news directly in the field! We will continue with a guided tour of the small botanical path located near the reception point. The experience will end with a tasting of the beehive products at the company sales point.

What we will provide:

  • mask (option B)
  • gloves (option B)

Slow Food Travel website

Presentation video of Slow Food Travel – Valleys of the Alto Tanaro

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